Been waiting for this for a long time.
And holy crap some people remember about Mischief Makers!?
Been waiting for this for a long time.
And holy crap some people remember about Mischief Makers!?
The truth is, there are some Vbloggers out there that actually have good content to watch, like MysterGuitarMan or freddiew.
Unfortunately most of them do lack talent so as sad as this may sound its true.
I don't mind watching RWJ anyways cause I pay no attention to him and more-so on the linked videos.
Great animation anyways.
Great Message behind it, Listen to Chickenlump
Most of you people are probably gonna hate the flash just because your too lazy to understand it all or you don't hate Bieber like 95% of those on NG.
Chickenlump's comment explains everything about the symbolism used in the flash which in the end shows that Harry is just fed up with the music industry just being destroyed by people like JB.
Strings being pulled, mass media, large target overwhelming target audience, popularity over talent and pushing every artist trying to break into the industry or trying to stay in out just because JB is so popular with small minded 11 to 13 year old girls.
The mass hype over just one artist just sickens me, sure we had the same thing in the 50's and 60's with The Beatles but they at least had talent and came into the industry the hard way showing hard work and determination, JB was just plucked off the internet.
Today's music sucks. All I hear on the radio today is in a loop of Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. If this is what the music industry has become I want no part of it then, thank God for MP3 players.
You know what...
I never thought about that before....
Who was the Lord of the Rings?
I know right?!
Great movie, don't get me wrong MW2 has way too many faults (and you left out a fair few).
But some of the things you hated actually made the game decent.
Of course the major thing we all hate about MW2 is IWNet...seriously wtf were they thinking!?
I miss Griggs too.
Heads Up
Just to give you Americans a heads up, if you don't live in Australia you won't get this joke at all.
But too us Aussies, we Rofl over this :D
Nice work
But since Toad is shouting at Mario you got the joke wrong, Toad is meant to be the annoying one not Mario.
I like it but...
I only liked the animation not the characters...
Sorry Sonic fanboys but Sonic is dead to me...his games suck, period.
Well since 2006 anyways, DARN YOU SONIC TEAM! YOU KILLED SONIC!
But I still liked the collab, very well done including the 3-D part.
Very cool, Very action packed collab with good soundtrack in the background.
You guys pulled this off nicely.
Well, there's still hope for that "Project: Needlemouse" thing.
If it promise, what that teaser said, then we may get our old Sonic back.
Thanks for watching. =)
I don't get it...
What is meant to be going on in the animation?
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